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Stress Management

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  •  English    22     Public
    stress management skills for grades 3-6
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is stress?
    a problem or circumstances that upsets you
  •  15
  • Give me an example of a big stress (will bother you for multiple days)
    fight with a friend, moving, car broken, lost your phone
  •  15
  • Give me an example of a medium stress (will bother you for one day only)
    lost recess, mom is mad at you, bad grade on a test
  •  15
  • Give me an example of a small stress (you can solve it and move on)
    difficult assignment, forgot your lunch, someone talking over you
  •  15
  • Give me an example of an annoyance (you can ignore this problem and move on)
    someone humming, someone looking at you, raining outside
  •  15
  • Tell me two things you feel on the inside when you are stressed
    upset stomach, hot, muscles shaking, mind racing
  •  15
  • Tell me two ways someone might show stress that someone else could see from the outside
    shouting, sweating, walking around, shaking, crying
  •  15
  • What is a stress that you CAN change?
    who you talk to, what time you wake up, how much you study
  •  15
  • What is a stress that you CAN'T change?
    having to take a test, bad weather, other people's behavior
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  • What are two ways to stop stress from happening in the first place?
    eat well, sleep well, avoid certain people, get to places on time, be prepared
  •  15
  • What are two ways to deal with stress at school?
    breathing, ask for a break, talk to an adult
  •  15
  • What are two ways to deal with stress at home?
    go for a walk, be alone, talk to a supportive person, draw, music, pets
  •  15
  • Who are two people you could talk to if you were too stressed?
    parent, teacher, friend, social worker, sibling, etc
  •  15
  • Fight/Flight/Freeze: Give me an example of the FIGHT reaction at school
    physically hurting someone, breaking items, yelling at someone
  •  15
  • Fight/Flight/Freeze: Give me an example of the FLIGHT reaction at school
    leaving the classroom, walking away from someone
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  • Fight/Flight/Freeze: Give me an example of the FREEZE reaction at school
    blanking out, hiding, putting your head down
  •  15