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The dark side of mindfullness

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  •  English    16     Public
    Exercise 2B, page 2 - Vocabulary
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  • The __________ actor struggled to deliver their lines during the emotional scene.
    The overwrought actor struggled to deliver their lines during the emotional scene.
  •  15
  • As she stood before the audience to give her first-ever public speech, __________ gripped her.
    As she stood before the audience to give her first-ever public speech, trepidation gripped her.
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  • Practicing __________ helped her stay focused and calm during challenging moments.
    Practicing mindfulness helped her stay focused and calm during challenging moments.
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  • She made a conscious effort to __________ a positive and compassionate attitude towards others.
    She made a conscious effort to cultivate a positive and compassionate attitude towards others.
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  • __________ became her daily ritual, bringing inner peace and clarity to her mind.
    Meditation became her daily ritual, bringing inner peace and clarity to her mind.
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  • __________ ___________ is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression.
    Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression.
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  • Equal access for people with disabilities is enabled through __________.
    Equal access for people with disabilities is enabled through accessibility.
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  • His mentorship was __________, turning her passion for art into a successful career.
    His mentorship was transformative, turning her passion for art into a successful career.
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  • (adj.) feeling deeply worried and upset
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  • (n) the fear that something bad may happen in the future
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  • (n) the practice of focusing on the present moment using various techniques
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  • (v) to develop something so it is more likely to succeed
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  • (n) the practice of focusing your mind while sitting silently
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  • (n) a mental illness characterised by periods of deep depression followed by periods of high energy
    bipolar disorder
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  • (n) the degree to which something is easy to reach or find
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  • (adj.) causing a complete change in something
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