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The Age of Revolution

  •  English    39     Public
    Level 4º ESO
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What types of nationalism emerged in the 19th century?
    There were two main kinds of nationalism that arose in the 19th century: disintegration of states and unification of states
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  • Define desintegration of states nationalism
    some nations – like Greece and the Balkan countries – considered that they were under foreign rule within a large empire.
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  • Define unification of states nationalism
    Nations were divided into many states but had a shared identity – such as Italy and Greece.
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  • Who were the main figures in Italian unification?
    King Vittorio Emanuele II, his prime minister Cavour, and the revolutionary leader Giuseppe Garibaldi led the unification of Italy.
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  • Define German Confederation
    The German Confederation was the group of 39 independent states joined together by the Congress of Vienna.
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  • Define Second Reich
    The Second Reich was the second German Empire, which was formed in 1871 through military action by Wilhelm I and his prime minister, Bismarck.
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  • Who were the main figures in German unification?
    Wilhelm I, King of Prussia (and later Kaiser), and Prime Minister Bismarck were the main figures of German unification.
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  • Date of United States of America Declaration of Independence
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  • Date of Proclamation of the First French Republic
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  • Date of Coronation of Napoleon as Emperor
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  • Date of Louis Philippe of Orleans becomes King of France
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  • Date of Vittorio Emanuele becomes King of Italy
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  • Date of Wilhelm I becomes Kaiser of Germany
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  • Define revolution
    Revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.
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  • Define nationalism
    Nationalism was an ideology developed in the 19th century, when people who shared the same culture and language began to think of themselves as a ‘nation’.
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  • Define Girondins
    The Girondins were the moderate republicans in the French Revolution. They controlled the Assembly between September 1792 and June 1793.
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