
The Age of Revolution

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  • What was the Tea Act?
    The Tea Act in 1773 granted a trade monopoly on the sale of tea to the English East India Company
  • Define sans-culottes
    a movement of radical working-class people. They supported the Jacobins in 1793 and helped them seize power from the Girondins
  • What was liberalism?
    It was a political doctrine that rejected absolutism, respected the sovereignty of the people, and defended the rights and liberties recognised in the FRev.
  • Define Jacobins
    The Jacobins were the radical revolutionaries in the French Revolution. They seized power from the Girondins and formed a dictatorship that lasted until 1794.
  • Define Estates-General
    an assembly of all three estates. Each estate presented their problems.
  • Why Bismarck was important?
    Bismarck was the prime minister of Prussia, who helped Wilhelm I unify the German states.
  • Why Napoleon was important?
    Napoleon carried out a coup d’état in France and created a Consulate. Soon after, he became the ruler of France.
  • What was the Napoleonic Code?
    The Napoleonic Code was a legal code that allowed freedom of religion and simplified the range of laws that had existed before the French Revolution.
  • Define revolution
    Revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.
  • Define Girondins
    The Girondins were the moderate republicans in the French Revolution. They controlled the Assembly between September 1792 and June 1793.
  • Date of Wilhelm I becomes Kaiser of Germany
  • What types of nationalism emerged in the 19th century?
    There were two main kinds of nationalism that arose in the 19th century: disintegration of states and unification of states
  • Why Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, was important?
    He was responsible, along with his prime minister Bismarck, for the unification of Germany. In 1871, he was crowned Kaiser of the Second German Empire.
  • Date of Coronation of Napoleon as Emperor
  • In which part of North America were the Thirteen Colonies?
    The Thirteen Colonies were on the east coast of North America.
  • What were the main factors that influenced the revolutions that took place between 1820 and 1848?
    The revolutions that took place between 1820 and 1848 were influenced by national movements and liberalism.
  • Date of Vittorio Emanuele becomes King of Italy
  • Define nationalism
    Nationalism was an ideology developed in the 19th century, when people who shared the same culture and language began to think of themselves as a ‘nation’.
  • List the Thirteen Colonies from north to south
    . They were: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Ca
  • Why Garibaldi was important?
    He commanded the red shirts, a group of Italian revolutionary forces, and took control of Naples and Sicily. He contributed significantly to Italian unificatio
  • Define Second Reich
    The Second Reich was the second German Empire, which was formed in 1871 through military action by Wilhelm I and his prime minister, Bismarck.
  • What was the Reign of Terror?
    It was a 10-month period of violent repression during the Jacobin Convention. It was the result of the danger of foreign invasion and the internal threat
  • Define German Confederation
    The German Confederation was the group of 39 independent states joined together by the Congress of Vienna.
  • Define desintegration of states nationalism
    some nations – like Greece and the Balkan countries – considered that they were under foreign rule within a large empire.
  • Define unification of states nationalism
    Nations were divided into many states but had a shared identity – such as Italy and Greece.
  • Date of United States of America Declaration of Independence
  • Date of Proclamation of the First French Republic
  • Which territories were annexed by Russia and Austria after the Congress of Vienna?
    Russia annexed Finland, Poland and part of Bessarabia. Austria annexed Tyrol, the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, Parma, Modena and Tuscany.
  • How did Napoleon Bonaparte intervine in the French Revolution?
    He carried out a coup d’état in late 1799, which led to the creation of a Consulate. However in practice, Napoleon became the real ruler of France.
  • How long did the American Revolution war with Britain last?
    The war with Great Britain lasted for eight years, from 1775 until 1783, when Britain recognised the independence of the USA.
  • Did the liberal revolutions represent any kind of improvement, despite their failure?
    Yes, even though the revolutions mainly failed, some countries did obtain universal male suffrage and the abolition of feudalism.
  • Define The Holy Alliance
    The Holy Alliance was a group of countries (Prussia, Russia and Austria) that formed to combat liberalism and revolution after the Congress of Vienna.
  • What happened after the Tea Act?
    In response, the Boston Tea Party took place in Boston Harbor. This event was followed later by the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War in 1775
  • What was the Conservative Order?
    It was a period in which European powers considered monarchy, internationalism and congresses as solutions to international problems.
  • Why Thomas Jefferson was important?
    Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which outlined the principles of national sovereignty, separation of powers and suffrage
  • Who were the main figures in German unification?
    Wilhelm I, King of Prussia (and later Kaiser), and Prime Minister Bismarck were the main figures of German unification.
  • Date of Louis Philippe of Orleans becomes King of France
  • Define National Assembly
    made up of the representatives of the 3 Estate, who formed their own assembly because they believed they were the only legitimate representatives of the French
  • Who were the main figures in Italian unification?
    King Vittorio Emanuele II, his prime minister Cavour, and the revolutionary leader Giuseppe Garibaldi led the unification of Italy.