
Multiple Meaning Word Jokes

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  • What did the carpet say to the floor?
    I got you COVERED
  • What is a witch's favorite subject at school?
  • What do cakes and baseball have in common?
    They both need the BATTER
  • What has lots of TEETH, but cannot chew?
    ...a comb!
  • Why can't a leopard hide?
    ...because he's always SPOTTED.
  • What jam can't be eaten on toast?
    ...a traffic JAM
  • What did the science book say to the Math book?
    Boy you have a lot of PROBLEMS
  • What did the beach say as the tide came in?
    ....long time, No SEA
  • What are the strongest creatures in the ocean?
  • What is a boxer's favorite drink?
  • What has a TONGUE but cannot talk?
    ...a SHOE
  • Which building in New York has the most STORIES?
    The public library
  • What is the sweetest part of history?
    The DATES
  • Where do elephants pay their clothes for a trip?
    In their TRUNK
  • What has four wheels and FLIES?
    ....a garbage truck!
  • What do you call a piece of wood with nothing to do?
  • Why couldn't the skunk get into the movies?
    ...he only had a SCENT
  • What animal needs oil?
    ...a MOUSE because it squeaks
  • What did the fork say to the egg?
    I'm going to BEAT you!
  • Why does the Mississippi river see so well?
    It has 4 I's