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  • What are three benefits of positive self-talk
    Happier, stronger , healthier brain, become resilient; help one cope
  • Finish this sentence to help with motivation: learning something new can
    make my brain stronger
  • What is resiliency?
    having the ability to bounce back
  • Fill in the blank: My brain has the ability to __________and make it better
    Problem solve
  • Positive self-talk helps one become optimistic? True or False
  • What can influence our thinking/self-talk?
    Self-esteem, confidence, people in our lives, level of resiliency, etc...
  • Finish this sentence: practice makes...
  • Finish this sentence: The more I practice______________
    the easier it will get or better I will get
  • Finish this sentence: It is okay to make mistakes because
    learning from our mistakes helps our brain make connections
  • What are the two kinds of self-talk
    Positive and negative self-talk
  • Fill in the blank: My brain can do _______things!
  • Change into positive self talk: I hate math it's too hard!
    Provides appropriate answer
  • Change into positive self-talk: This is stupid!
    Provides appropriate answer
  • name as many of the six steps you can say to help increase positive self-talk
    my brain is amazing, practice makes better, problem solving can make it better, leaning something new can make my brain stronger, mistakes are ok, I love me
  • approximately how many thoughts do a person have a day
    50,000 to 80,000
  • Finish this sentence: I am unique and special and ____________________
    worthy of love just the way I am!
  • change into positive self-talk: This is the worst day ever!
    Provides appropriate answer
  • what is self-talk?
    The things we say to ourselves
  • how can negative self-talk impact ones ability to deal with stress
    Provides appropriate answer