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  • What country is it?
    It's Iran! - /ɪˈrɑn/ - Iran
  • What country is it?
    It's Iraq! - /ɪˈrɑk/ - Iraq
  • What country is it?
    It's Cambodia! - /ˌkæmˈboʊdiə/ - Campuchia
  • What country is it?
    It's Tajikistan! - /ˌtɑˈʤikɪˌstæn/ - Tajikistan
  • What country is it?
    It's Azerbaijan! - /ˌɑzərbaɪˈʤɑn/ - Azerbaijan
  • What country is it?
    It's Israel! - /ˈɪzreɪəl/ - Israel
  • What country is it?
    It's South Korea! - /saʊθ/ /kɔˈriə/ - Hàn Quốc
  • What country is it?
    It's Syria! - /ˈsɪriə/ - Syria
  • What country is it?
    It's India! - /ˈɪndiə/ - Ấn Độ
  • What country is it?
    It's Kuwait! - /kʊˈweɪt/ - Kuwait
  • What country is it?
    It's Oman! - /oʊˈmɑn/ - Oman
  • What country is it?
    It's the Maldives! - /ˈmɔlˌdaɪvz/ - Maldives
  • What country is it?
    It's Mongolia! - /mɑŋˈgoʊliə/ - Mông Cổ
  • What country is it?
    It's Turkey! - /ˈtɜrki/ - Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
  • What country is it?
    It's Turkmenistan! - /ˌtɜrkˈmɛnɪˌstæn/ - Turkmenistan
  • What country is it?
    It's Nepal! - /nəˈpɔl/ - Nepal
  • What country is it?
    It's Macau! - /məˈkaʊ/ - Ma Cao
  • What country is it?
    It's Jordan! - /ˈʤɔːdən/ - Jordan
  • What country is it?
    It's East Timor! - /ist/ /tiˈmɔr/ - Đông Timor
  • What country is it?
    It's Bhutan! - /ˌbuˈtæn/ - Bhutan
  • What country is it?
    It's Palestine! - /ˈpækɪˌstæn/ - Palestine
  • What country is it?
    It's Laos! - /laʊs/ - Lào
  • What country is it?
    It's Japan! - /ʤəˈpæn/ - Nhật Bản
  • What country is it?
    It's Hong Kong! - /hɔŋ/ /kɔŋ/ - Hồng Kông
  • What country is it?
    It's Myanmar! - /ˈmjɑnˈmɑr/ - Myanmar
  • What country is it?
    It's Uzbekistan! - /uzˈbɛkɪˌstæn/ - Uzbekistan
  • What country is it?
    It's Kazakhstan! - /ˈkæzəkstæn/ - Kazakhstan
  • What country is it?
    It's United Arab Emirates (UAE) - /juˈnaɪtəd/ /ˈærəb/ /ˈɛmərəts/ - Các Tiểu vương quốc Ả Rập Thống nhất
  • What country is it?
    It's China! - /ˈʧaɪnə/ - Trung Quốc
  • What country is it?
    It's Hong Kong! - /hɔŋ/ /kɔŋ/ - Hồng Ông
  • What country is it?
    It's the Philippines! - /ˈfɪləˌpinz/ - Philippines
  • What country is it?
    It's Kyrgyzstan! - /ˈkɪəgɪzˌstɑːn/ - Kyrgyzstan
  • What country is it?
    It's Malaysia! - /məˈleɪʒə/ - Malaysia
  • What country is it?
    It's Vietnam! - /viˌɛtˈnɑm/ - Việt Nam
  • What country is it?
    It's Qatar - /ˌkʌˈtɑr/ - Qatar
  • What country is it?
    It's Indonesia! - /ˌɪndoʊˈniʒə/ - Indonesia
  • What country is it?
    It's Thailand! - /ˈtaɪˌlænd/ - Thái Lan
  • What country is it?
    It's Afghanistan! - /æfˈgænəˌstæn/ - Afghanistan
  • What country is it?
    It's Brunei! - /bruˈnaɪ/ - Brunei
  • What country is it?
    It's Saudi Arabia! - /ˈsɔdi/ /əˈreɪbiə/ - Ả Rập Xê Út
  • What country is it?
    It's Bahrain! - /bɑˈreɪn/ - Bahrain
  • What country is it?
    It's Lebanon! - /ˈlɛbənən/ - Lebanon
  • What country is it?
    It's Cyprus! - /ˈsaɪprəs/ - Síp
  • What country is it?
    It's Bangladesh! - /ˈbæŋləˌdɛʃ/ - Bangladesh
  • What country is it?
    It's Armenia! - /ɑrˈminiə/ - Armenia
  • What country is it?
    It's Taiwan! - /ˈtaɪˈwɑn/ - Đài Loan
  • What country is it?
    It's Singapore! - /ˈsɪŋəˌpɔr/ - Singapore
  • What country is it?
    It's Sri Lanka! - /ʃri/ /ˈlæŋkə/ - Sri Lanka
  • What country is it?
    It's Yemen! - /ˈjɛmən/ - Yemen
  • What country is it?
    It's North Korea! - /nɔrθ/ /kɔˈriə/ - Bắc Triều Tiên
  • What country is it?
    It's Pakistan! - /ˈpækɪˌstæn/ - Pakistan
  • What country is it?
    It's Georgia! - /ˈʤɔrʤə/ - Georgia