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  • How to eat well?
    Eat healthy foods. Always sit down when you eat and eat slowly.
  • Give me 3 examples of food that has too much sugar
    Fizzy drink, cakes and sweets
  • Why do we need to get enough sleep every night?
    Because our body grows the most when we are sleeping.
  • Why shouldn't we sit for more than an hour in front of a TV or computer?
    It's bad for our eyes and body.
  • How to be healthy?
    Be active, rest and eat well
  • What can help you relax?
    reading a book
  • How to be active?
    Do exercise and play outside more.
  • Why should we play outside more?
    Because fresh air is good for us.
  • Why do we need to do exercise?
    It helps our body grow strong.
  • How to rest?
    Get enough of sleep and read a book before you go to bed.
  • Why do we have to eat healthy food?
    Because food gives us energy.
  • Why do we have to read a book before we go to sleep?
    It can help us relax.
  • What can food give us?
    It gives us energy.
  • Why aren't we allowed to use phones or tablets at night?
    It will keep you awake.
  • Why is it important to be active?
    So that your body can grow strong.
  • What can make you ill?
    Too much sugar
  • What will you keep you awake?
    playing games on your tablet or phone
  • Why is too much sugar bad for us?
    It can make us ill.