
Work Skills

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  • What kind of attitude do we need to have at work?
    A positive attitude.
  • How can you show the team that they can count on you?
    Get to work on time and help others when needed.
  • At most jobs will you work in a team?
  • Why do we need to have a positive attitude?
  • Do we need to think about the customer's experience?
  • If a customer has a question and you don't have an answer, what can you do?
    Ask a co-worker to help.
  • How can we show that we are listening carefully to coworkers?
    Eye contact, don't interrupt
  • Is it OK to ask questions if you need help?
  • Why is good teamwork important?
    We need teamwork to get the job done. Team members feel good about accomplishing the job together.
  • Does teamwork mean that you help coworkers to get the job done?
  • Does your work performance affect your team?
  • Do we need to think about our co-workers feelings?
  • How should we talk to our coworkers, managers and customers?
    Politely and clearly
  • Do we need to help customers?
  • Why is it important to know your work schedule?
    So that you will be at work when you are scheduled.
  • What is teamwork?
    Working with others in a productive way. Everyone does their part to get the job done.
  • Give us an example of teamwork?
    All good.
  • How can we help customers?
    Listen, be polite, ask a coworker for help if you need to
  • If the bus is late when you are going to work, what can you do?
    Call your manager and let them know you will be late.