
Gateway B1+ Unit 4

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  • processed
    (of food) that has substances added to it before it is sold, in order to preserve it, improve its colour etc
  • boil
    (with reference to a liquid) reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapour
  • slice
    to cut meat, bread, vegetables etc into thin flat pieces
  • bake
    cook (food) by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, typically in an oven. Nomally cakes and bread.
  • dish
    a type of food that is cooked in a particular way and served as part of a meal
  • frozen
    (of food) stored at a very low temperature in order to preserve it
  • stale
    (usu. of bread or cake) no longer fresh or good to eat
  • lettuce
    a round vegetable with thin green leaves eaten raw in salads
  • spicy
    having pleasantly strong taste, and gives you a pleasant burning feeling in your mouth; hot
  • fry
    cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan.
  • main course
    the main part of a meal
  • roast
    to cook meat or poultry in the oven by dry heat
  • seafood
    food from the ocean, besides fish
  • dessert
    sweet food served after the main part of a meal
  • snacks
    small amounts of food, usually eaten between meals
  • semi-skimmed milk
    milk from which some fat has been removed
  • raw
    not cooked
  • starter
    a small amount of food eaten at the start of a meal before the main part; appetizer (US)
  • dairy products
    made of milk, butter, cheese etc
  • flavour
    the particular taste of a food or drink