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  • Foodborne disease is a disease caused by consuming _______ food or drink.
  • The most common foodborne infections are caused by three bacteria:
    Campylobacter, Salmonella, E.coli
  • Mention 4 causes of Foodborne Illness!
    contaminants, person to person spread, allergies, improper food handling
  • undercooked meat, raw milk, raw water can be contaminated by this bacteria.
  • The other name of germs is ____
  • To avoid foodborne illness, we must separate. What does it mean?
    To separate raw and cooked materials, and the tools to touch them
  • What is gastric distress?
    infections in our stomach caused by toxins or allergies.
  • Consuming contaminated food transfers these germs to the _______ tract, causing gastric distress.
  • Foodborne disease is caused when germs or their ______ contaminate food.
  • mention 2 microbes that can produce toxin in our food.
    staph bacteria and botulism
  • a disease we get after eating a contaminated food is called ______
    foodborne illness
  • when the germs infect our stomach, we'll get _________
    gastric distress
  • 4 causes of foodborne illness are _______
    contaminants, food allergies, improper food handling, spread from person to person
  • Mention 4 types of pathogen!
    virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites
  • Mention 2 examples of improper food handling!
    undercooked food, unsanitary food materials, food has gone bad
  • the germs or toxin may get into our digestive tract and cause ____________
    gastric distress in our stomach
  • Mention 3 examples of CONTAMINANTS that cause Foodborne illness!
    pesticides, bandage, unsanitary hands, pool water, chemicals
  • Is it true that really fresh food cannot make people sick? Why?
    False. Really fresh food can cause food poisoning if it is not properly handled.
  • How can a foodborne illness spread from person to person?
    a kitchen worker can contaminate the food with his unsanitary hands.
  • ________ lives in the intestines of poultry animals.
  • Our stomach produces ________
    gastric acid
  • virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites are types of germs, which are the common cause of foodborne illness?
    bacteria and virus
  • How long does the foodborne illness' symptoms develop in human's body?
    a few hours to 7 days
  • it is believed that Norwalk viruses spread primarily from ______
    an infected person to another.
  • the 5 rules of food safety are _______
    chill, separate, clean, cook, choose fresh materials
  • Between Staph bacteria and Botulism, which one causes paralytic symptoms?
  • difficulty swallowing and slurred speech are symptoms caused by _______
    botulism bacteria
  • __________ is widespread in the intestines of birds, reptiles, and mammals.
  • Besides bacteria and virus, microbes in our food can also cause foodborne illness by producing ______
  • Among campylobacter, salmonella, and E.coli, which one can cause bloody diarrhea?
  • Mention 4 first symptoms of foodborne illness!
    nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, abdominal cramp