
Social Language Group Review

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  • What are the benefits of using flexible thinking?
    Helps you to not get stuck if things aren't going the way you planned, helps you to get along with others, etc.
  • Name two positive group behaviors (think about your daily check lists)
  • What does the term "self advocacy" mean?
    Speaking up for yourself and for your own wants and needs.
  • What are two nonverbal messages you can send with body posture?
    hunched shoulders, turning away, shrug, etc
  • What are the ABCDE's of managing strong emotions?
    awareness, breathing, counting, distance, express yourself
  • Give two different words for happy
    joyful, glad, etc.
  • What are two examples of nonverbal messages that use the eyes/eyebrows?
    angry (brows furrowed); surprised (eyebrows lifted) etc
  • Name three different things you can do to cope when you feel stressed?
    Answers vary.
  • How does "counting" help us to calm down when we are upset?
    Helps us to focus on something else other than being upset, gives us time to calm down
  • When joining a conversation, you should wait for a _________ before jumping in.
    natural pause
  • What do you need to do before you try to join a conversation?
    Listen, determine the topic
  • Name one social/learning behavior you feel you improved this year (think of your cards!)
    Answers vary.
  • What are two types of nonverbal communication?
    Facial Expressions, gestures, body postures
  • Give two different words for ANGRY
    mad, furious, etc
  • Give an example of "flexible thinking"
  • When a person's words do not match their intended meaning, it is called...
  • Why is it important to be able to "read" body language (give an example)?
    So that we can adjust our own behavior based on the situation.
  • What are some warning signs your BODY gives you when you are becoming angry?
    tense muscles, feeling hot, etc
  • Why is it important to manage your anger?
  • What can you do when you feel your body/brain starting to get angry?
    Use any of the ABCDEs
  • What are you two biggest "take aways" (things that stuck with you) from our group this year?
    Answers vary.