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  • Name 4 vegetables
    Tomato, lettuce, onion, pepper, broccoli etc.
  • How can you have a Balanced Diet
    Eating a lot of different food from different sections of the food wheel
  • What body system do we use to digest food?
    The digestive system
  • What is the mediterranean diet?
    The main diet of spain, it consists of a lot of fruit, vegetables, olive oil, pulses, legumes
  • Why do we need calcium?
    For strong bones and healthy teeth
  • Name 4 examples of carbohydrates
    Pasta, rice, potatoes, bread
  • Name 4 examples of proteins
    Meat, fish, eggs, pulses
  • True or false: fats and sugars give us extra energy
  • Why do we need carbohydrates?
    They give us energy
  • Why do we need proteins?
    They help our muscles and body to grow and repair
  • Fruits and vegetables give us_________ and _________
    Vitamins and minerals
  • Name 3 dairy products
    Yoghurt, milk, cheese
  • Name 4 fruits
    Apple banana pear orange
  • True or false: We need to eat a lot of fats and sugars
    False, we should only eat a small amount
  • Name 4 parts of the digestive system
    mouth, oesophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, anus
  • Name 2 fats
    Butter and oil
  • True or false: Eating only vegetables everyday is a healthy balanced diet
    False, we need to eat a variety of foods
  • What is the last body part in digestion?
    The anus
  • Where does digestion start?
    In the mouth
  • What does the size of the group on the food wheel mean?
    If the group is big we should eat a lot of this food, if it is small we dont need to eat that much from this group