
You and 2024

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  • Name one good thing you can do for your health this year.
    Do you think you can stick to it?
  • What are you worried about this year?
    Do you think there is any way to change it?
  • Is there something you want to learn this year?
    How will you do it?
  • What was something that happened last year that you wish happened this year too?
    Would you do something different this time?
  • What three words would you use to describe last year?
    Are they negative or postive?
  • What was the biggest challenge you overcame last year?
    What did you learn about yourself?
  • Will you keep a journal about this year?
    Do you think it's helpful to keep one?
  • Where is one place you want to go this year that you couldn't last year?
    Do you think it will happen?
  • What are three things you are not looking forward to this year?
    What can you do to make them easier to handle?
  • If you could change one thing about this year already, what would it be?
    If you changed it, how would it make a difference?
  • Compared to last year, do you think this year will be better, worse or about the same?
    What makes you think so?