
Gr 5 Ancient Farming

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  • How was writing used? (3 things)
    1. keep track of materials 2. medical notes 3. keep track of who owns land
  • What does this mean: "Community cannot be created without cooperation"?
    It means that each person and job are valuable in a community. We need each other. We need to work together.
  • What are examples of community with cooperation? (2)
    1. Farmers worked hard to feed all of the country - without them there would not be enough food! 2. The craftsman made tools for the farmers
  • Cooperative means...
    working together for something
  • Name six parts of the Egyptian social structure.
    1. pharaoh 2. governing officials 3. scribes 4. landowners / nobles 5. craftsmen 6. peasant farmers
  • Describe a scribe.
    They kept track of things like taxes, who owns the land and trading.
  • Describe the peasant farmer.
    They were poor and hard working, growing all the food for people to eat.
  • How were ancient farmers constructive?
    endless chains - they had to do hard work to pedal enough to get water
  • What are the four parts of the cultural mandate that God gave us?
    1. God blessed 2. be fruitful 3. fill the earth 4. rule over the creatures
  • Describe a Pharaoh
    He made all the rules and was the most important.
  • Creative means...
    the ability to create and imagine
  • What two injustices (things not fair) that happen with different levels of power (hierarchy of power)
    1. taxes 2. conscription
  • What were two obstacles that the Chinese ancient farmers faced?
    1. mountains 2. too cold for crops
  • Describe a craftsman (also known as an artisan).
    They created tools and utensils (forks, spoons, etc) for the people.
  • What were two obstacles that the Egyptian farmers faced?
    1. not enough rain 2. deserts all around
  • Obstacle means...
    something that stands in the way
  • How were ancient farmers cooperative?
    Cooperated to make all the canals and ditches
  • Describe a governing official
    They were in charge of a section of land and made sure everyone obeyed the rules.
  • Describe conscription
    Peasants had to leave their farm for a time and work for the royals.
  • Potential means...
    has possibilities and power
  • Describe a landowner (also known as a noble).
    They were rich and owned the land. They rented it to poor farmers.
  • Describe taxation
    Taxation is paying the government. Peasants were taxed the most.
  • How were ancient farmers creative?
    Shadufs had a creative design to help get water
  • Constructive means...
    working to improve and doing hard work