
Oregon Trail

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  • What challenges did travelers encounter?
    Sickness, hunger, accidents, floods, snow, and thieves.
  • What would families do after setting up camp for the evening and having dinner? (pick at least one)
    Singing songs, talking, telling stories, planning their next day and wondering what tomorrow would bring.
  • How long was the Oregon Trail?
    About 2,000 miles long
  • How many pioneers headed west?
    About 350,000
  • Who were the people who traveled on the trail?
    Doctors, lawyers, teachers, farmers, and ranchers.
  • What animals pulled covered wagons?
    Oxen, horses, or mules
  • A flat, grassy area of land is called?
    A prairie
  • What were some of the jobs at camp on the trail? (Name two)
    Cooking, washing clothes, building the fire, feeding animals, gathering firewood, getting fresh water, hunting and finding foods.
  • Why would wagon trains circle up at night?
    To provide protection from animals, thieves, or intruders.
  • How long did the journey take?
    Usually 5-6 months
  • Why did people want to travel west?
    Gold, jobs, land, and a fresh start.
  • What was the name of the guide on the trail?
    The scout
  • What mountain range did travelers want to be past before winter?
    Rocky Mountains
  • Who made decisions on the trail?
    The captain
  • How many wagons could make up a wagon train?
  • What town was the start of the Oregon Trail?
    Independence, Missouri
  • How far could wagons travel each day?
    10-20 miles