
AH Chapter 2 Test

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  • Who was Popé?
    a Spanish priest who wrote about the abuses against Native Americans
  • Why did Samuel de Champlain's attempts to increase the population of New France fall?
    The French government refused to let Protestants settle in New France.
  • What was the Line of Demarcation?
    a vertical boundary through the Atlantic and present-day Brazil
  • Who were the Sea Dogs?
    English sailors licensed by the monarch to attack enemy ships
  • How did the triangular trade differ from the Columbian Exchange?
    Columbian Exchange, plants and animals were exchanged between Europe, Asia, and Africa and the Americas, triangular trade, Europeans treated people as goods.
  • Why was quinine so important for Europe, Africa, and Asia?
    It was the only effective malaria remedy for 300 years
  • What were viceroyalties?
    territories in the Americas claimed by Spain
  • What was the purpose of Christopher Columbus’s voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492?
    to find a western route to Asia
  • Where did the use of enslaved Africans as a labor force initially begin in the Americas?
    on sugar plantations in the Caribbean
  • What led to the growth of chattel slavery in the Americas?
    Spanish forced Native Americans to work on their sugarcane plantations, but many of the Native Americans died due to disease and poor conditions.
  • What was the Spanish Armada?
    Spain’s fleet of warships
  • Why did monarchs like Queen Elizabeth I hire privateers?
    to attack enemy ships
  • Who conquered the Aztec and Inca empires in the 16th century?
    the Spanish
  • Why did the Spanish appoint viceroys?
    to rule the territories claimed by Spain
  • What were the conquistadors looking for in North America?
    cities of gold
  • Which indicates a primary goal of Spanish missions?
    to convert Native Americans to Christianity
  • Why do you think the Spanish kept cocoa beans a secret?
    The Spanish wanted to keep this “new” treat to themselves.
  • What was the Middle Passage?
    the voyage of ships carrying enslaved Africans to the Americas
  • What was the Northwest Passage?
    a supposed water route to Asia through the Western Hemisphere
  • Who provided the labor on Spanish haciendas and plantations in the Americas?
    unpaid Native Americans and enslaved Africans
  • What did Amerigo Vespucci’s explorations reveal?
    The Americas were not Asia
  • What are watershed lands?
    areas drained by rivers
  • How did chattel slavery begin?
    The Portuguese wanted enslaved people to work on their sugar plantations.
  • What was the Columbian Exchange?
    a period when the Old World and the New World exchanged plants and animals
  • What is the African diaspora?
    the removal of many Africans from their homeland to the Americas
  • How did conquistadors interact with the Aztec and the Inca?
    They used violence to control both peoples.
  • Which country challenged Spain’s position as the dominant world power by defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588?
  • What were haciendas?
    tracts of farmland given to wealthy colonists