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  • What is deviance from a social point of view?
    Someone's personality is a matter of socialization, thus deviance is improper or failed socialization.
  • What was William Sheldon's statement about physical characteristics of criminals?
    Men who are more muscular and athletic are more likely to be criminally deviant.
  • Expand on the first idea of sociological approach for deviance
    Nothing is inherently deviant, for example slavery was considered to be a norm in the 19th century, but not anymore
  • How many types of sanctions are there? What are they called?
    Negative and positive sanctions
  • What was the Gluecks' arguments against the assumption that people with certain body types are criminals?
    That the expectation of someone being criminal is what encourages them to act aggressively. Physically strong people are expected to be bullies.
  • Expand on the third idea of sociological approach for deviance
    Law was made for the elite to protect its interests. Campaign rallies and spontaneous protests seem to be very similar, but the police reacts differently.
  • An Italian physician, Cesare Lambrose, thought that they are biological characteristics of deviants. What are they?
    Low forehead, stocky build, cheekbones, prominent jaw - anything that resembles primates.
  • What is the impulse control theory called?
    Containment theory - having a deviant personality.
  • Name 3 components of the criminal justice system
    The police, the courts and the prison system.
  • What are negative sanctions? Give some examples
    Negative sanctions are negative social reactions towards deviance, for example, someone judging your taste in food /that you sleep with a teddy bear in your 30s
  • Is all violance deviance?
    No, boxing can be violent, but it's not deviant.
  • Why are biological and psychological explanations behind smb being criminally deviant limited?
    Because they are only covering individual factors, such as body and mind, without taking into account peer influence, opportunities and other social factors.
  • What are the reasons behind someone acting deviantly?
    Biological and psychological
  • Expand on the second idea of sociological approach for deviance
    If smb is treated as deviant, it is very easy to become one. For example, the rich look down on the poor
  • What are folkways?
    Folkways are behavioral patterns formed in everyday life, norms
  • What are the three ideas behind the sociological approach for deviance?
    1) deviance varies according to cultural norms; 2) deviant because labeled as deviant; 3) defining social norms involves social power.
  • When did the study on 50 male twins take place? What aspects did it cover?
    In 2011. Ability to delay gratification, resilience, self-control. If these are lower in childhood, then a person is criminally deviant in the future.
  • What are strange looks from people towards a person with purple hair called? Define them please
    Strange looks are a form of social control - attempts by society to regulate people's thought and behaviors in a way that limit, or punish, deviance.
  • What are positive sanctions? Give some examples
    Positive sanctions are affirmative reactions, usually in response to conformity.
  • Is deviance always bad? Give an example
    No; deviance is something non-normative, different, so being vegan in a largely carnivorous community is also considered deviant.
  • Define deviance
    Deviance is anything that deviates from what people generally accept as normal.
  • What is the difference between formal and informal sanctions?
    Informal sanctions are usually placed against those who are not criminally deviant; the act deviantly, but don't break the law. Formal sanction are the opposite