
Healthy Lifestyle

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  • The doctor told me to _______ in sugar, fat, and too much salt.
  • What is she doing?
    She's taking vitamins. She's taking supplements.
  • How do you deal with stress?
  • Complete the sentence. I start my day ____ with a nice warm water.
  • What is a healthy diet?
    A healthy diet is one that includes aa wide variety of nutritious foods.
  • What should you avoid to stay healthy?
  • Why is eating well important for us?
    It gives us more energy, a healthy body and mind, lower risk of disease and better overall health.
  • What kind of physical activities do you enjoy?
  • How do you like to eat your vegetables?
  • How does she look?
    She looks tired. She looks fatigued. She looks exhausted.
  • It usually takes about 15 days to ___ a habit.
    get into, form
  • Do you have any tips for healthy lifestyle?
    Exercise regularly, eat well-balance diet, think positive thoughts.
  • Mindfulness is _________ to help you be more present and happy.
  • You want to suggest something to your friend. Ask a question using Have you...?
    Have you considered? Have you thought about? Have you tried?
  • Give some examples of protein rich foods.
  • If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its _____.
  • Self care routine is _______ the effort.
  • What are they doing?
    They are working out. They are exercising.
  • What are your go-to healthy food?
  • What is the opposite of passive?