
Zones of regulation

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  • What is your energy in the yellow zone?
    A little too much, need to slow down
  • What happens to your brain in the red zone?
    downstairs brain is taking over, panicking, not thinking clearly, racing, pounding
  • What is your energy level in the blue zone?
    low and slow
  • What happens to your brain in the yellow zone?
    spinning, not thinking clearly, upstairs brain and downstairs brain not working together
  • What happens to your body in the yellow zone
    fidgeting, bouncy, pacing, shoulders up
  • What is your energy in the red zone?
    way to high, time to stop
  • What happens to your muscles in the green zone?
    regular, calm, relaxed
  • What happens to your stomach in the yellow zone?
    yucky, butterflies
  • What happens to your heart in the blue zone?
    beats slower
  • What happens to your body in the red zone
    clenched, stomping, shaking, out of control
  • What happens to your heart in the red zone?
    beats harder and faster
  • What happens to your heart in the yellow zone?
    speeds up a little
  • What happens to your body in the blue zone
    moving slow, heavy, body down
  • What is your energy in the green zone?
    just right/ good to go
  • What happens to your stomach in the green zone
    comfortable, normal
  • What happens to your stomach in the red zone?
    Churning, pounding
  • What happens to your muscles in the yellow zone?
    tense, wiggly
  • What happens in your brain the green zone?
    clear, good to go, upstairs and downstairs working together
  • What happens to your body in the green zone
    calm, under control, relaxed
  • What happens to your muscles in the blue zone?
    they feel heavy/ move slower
  • What happens to your muscles in the red zone?
    really tight
  • What happens in your brain in the blue zone
    foggy, slow moving
  • What happens to your stomach in the blue zone?
    churning, heavy, slow
  • What happens to your heart in the Green zone?
    beats steady/ normal