
A New National Identity

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  • Agreement that limited naval power on the Great Lakes
    Rush Bagot Agreement
  • The first road built by the federal government in the US
    Cumberland Road
  • He set up the Hudson River School, famous for teaching the painting of American landscapes
    Thomas Cole
  • Statement by US President telling European powers to stay out of the western hemisphere
    Monroe Doctrine
  • Settled the conflict surrounding Missouri entering the Union
    Missouri Compromise
  • He created Americans first dictionary.
    Noah Webster
  • Elected president in 1824
    John Quincy Adams
  • This set the border between the United States and British owned Canada.
    Convention of 1818
  • The period of prosperity enjoyed by the US between 1815 and 1825
    Era of Good Feelings
  • Allowed goods and people to move between all towns on Lake Erie and New York City
    Erie Canal
  • He used a humorous form of writing called satire to warn Americans that they should learn from the past and be cautious about the future.
    Washington Irving
  • Known as the liberator, helped countries south of the US gain their freedom
    Simon Bolivar
  • Henry Clay's plan to improve the US economy
    American System
  • He wrote about the the West and American Indians, including a book called The Last of the Mohicans
    James Fenimore Cooper
  • Disagreements between different regions of the country
  • This 1824 court case about river trade focused interest on interstate commerce.
    Gibbons v Ogden
  • A border agreement between the US and Spanish owned Florida
    Adams Onis Treaty
  • A sense of pride and devotion to a nation
  • Elected president after James Madison.
    James Monroe