
Healthy Living

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  • What is emotional health?
    Feeling our feelings and expressing them in healthy ways.
    Stuffing bad feelings away.
    Pretending it doesn't matter and playing videogames.
    Taking out our bad feelings on other people.
  • Physical activity is important: let's all stretch for one minute.
  • Why do you think people should sleep 8 hours a day?
    They're bored.
    No more movies are on.
    To rest their minds and bodies.
    To have better dreams.
  • What can happen if we don't take time to rest and have fun?
    We'll be rich.
    Nothing. Most people sleep too much anyway.
    We will get better grades.
    We get tired and stressed.
  • Which drinks are healthy for kids?
    Energy drinks.
    Clean water.
  • What is one way to stay healthy?
    Eating at McDonald's.
    Eating lots of candy.
    Stay up late watching movies.
  • Mental health is a must, guide your class for a 3 minute meditation practice.
  • What can we do when we are stressed or angry?
    Breathe deeply.
    All of these.
    Count to 10.
    Spend some time alone, reading, maybe.
  • What should we do when we feel upset?
    Sulk alone for hours.
    Kick a chair.
    None of these.
    Scream at strangers.
  • Building strength is important. What can we do to get stronger muscles?
    Sleep all day.
    Play video games.
    Lift weights.
    Watch TV.
  • Give a tip for healthy living.
    Staying active.
    Washing your hands.
    Eating fruits and vegetables.
    Any of these.
  • What are two things you do to stay fit?
    Eat healthy and exercise.
    Eat junk food and drink soda.
    Take a bath and change your clothes once a month.
    Stay up late and play videogames.
  • How does taking care of the earth help us stay healthy?
    It means we have more soda and french fries.
    We have cleaner air and water.
    It doesn't. We should all just move to outer space.
    We can just stay inside and watch TV.
  • What is not a good idea for healthy living?
    Drinking soda.
    Watching TV all summer.
    Eating junk food.
    None of these.