
Magic School Bus Great Shark Escape

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  • What percent of sharks are not harmless to humans? a. 53% b. 93% c. 99%.
  • In which ocean do sharks live?
    All oceans
  • Why did the author show you how big an elephant is when they were talking about the size of sharks?
    to get the right understanding of its size
  • Which ocean do you live closest to?
  • How is a shark different than a fish? a) Sharks do not have organs. b) Sharks do not have gills. c) Sharks do not have bones.
  • Name a fact about Hammerhead sharks
  • How does an angel shark sneak up on prey and hide from predators?
    in the sand
  • About how many plants and animals does the ocean contain?
    About onу million species
  • "Everything in the ocean looked huge!” Antonym of huge is ____________
    small, tiny
  • In which word does the prefix 'un-' mean the same as it does in 'unusual': a) understand b) unhappy c) uniform
  • Who is the narrator in the story?
  • What is a group of sharks called? a. A pod. b. A school. c. A pack.
  • Which point of view is this story written?
    1st point
  • Based on what you read, Arnold is… a) a risk taker. b) adventurous. c) a person who likes safety.
  • What was causing some of the student’s faces to look green? a. They were getting seasick. b. They were scared of sharks. c. They were hungry.
  • Why don’t humans know much about goblin sharks?
    They live deep in the ocean
  • Based on what you read sharks and dolphins...? a. are always fighting each other. b. are friends and are often swimming together. c. usually leave one another alone
  • How does Ms. Frizzle’s dress give the students a clue about what is going to happen today?
    a dress covered with all kinds of ocean creatures
  • What is currently threatening the blue fish? a. Overfishing. b. Water pollution. c. Not enough food to eat.
  • "…I had a feeling this wouldn’t be an ordinary ride.” Synonym of ordinary: _
    usual normal standard typical stock common customary habitual accustomed expected wonted everyday regular routine
  • What is the biggest fish in the sea?
    whale shark
  • What is a group of dolphins called? a. A pod. b. A school. c. A pack.
    a. A pod
  • How do sharks' senses help them find prey?
    They have amazing senses
  • Why is the whale shark called the gentle giant? a. Whale sharks never bother dolphins. b. Whale sharks never bother penguins. c. Whale sharks never bother people.
  • Cause: “The dolphins were playing with a rubber ball.” Effect: ___
    The aquarium was closed
  • Name a fact about Baby sharks
  • Effect: Arnold wasn’t attached to the sub anymore and was starting to drift far away. Name the cause.
    The shark attacked the cable
  • In which order did the Magic School Bus transform? a. Helicopter, Bus, Submarine. b. Bus, Submarine, Helicopter c. Bus, Helicopter, Submarine d. Helicopter, Submarine, Bus
  • What is plankton?
    basic food (tiny plant and kind of fish)
  • Name a fact about Thresher sharks