
Thanksgiving Jokes

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  • Why was the turkey late on Thanksgiving?
    The cook ran out of thyme
  • What's the best way to stuff a turkey?
    Feed it pizza and ice cream!
  • What do you get it you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
    Pumpkin Pi
  • What do you call a turkey's spirit?
    A poultry-geist
  • What instrument does a turkey play in a band?
    The drums- he brings his own drumsticks
  • What is a math teacher's favorite Thanksgiving food?
    Pumpkin Pi
  • What smells the best at Thanksgiving dinner?
    Your nose!
  • Who helps little pumpkins to cross the road?
    A crossing gourd.
  • Why do the police always suspect the turkeys first?
    They have to rule our fowl play!
  • What did the turkey say to the computer?
    Google Google!
  • What do you call a running turkey?
    Fast food!
  • What is the most valuable Thanksgiving dish?
    The vegetable casserole- it has 24 carrots!
  • What did the elephant say when he stepped on the Thanksgiving yams?
  • Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?
    The outside
  • What happens when you are mean to the cranberries and make them sad?
    They become "blue" berries!
  • Why did the turkey bride leave her turkey groom at the altar?
    He was underdressed.
  • What veggies are best for Thanksgiving dinner?
    Beets me!
  • What is a turkey thankful for on Thanksgiving?
  • No matter what happens with dinner, how does thanks giving always end?
    With the letter "G"
  • What do you call a turkey prom?
    A butterball!