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English Collocations in Use Advanced - Unit 33:  ...

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  • Financially manage [a metaphor taken from being in the water]: He managed to s/k... a... by holding on to the side of the boat. Many small businesses are struggling to s/k... a... due to lockdown.
    keep/stay afloat
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  • where you get the money you receive to live on: For many students, summer jobs are their main or only s... of i... for the upcoming school year.
    source of income
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  • to add to your income: She got a second job to s... her income.
    supplement your income
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  • this is where your salary is usually transfered. It allows you to take money out and put money in at any time but it pays almost no interest: c... a...
    current account
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  • borrow money, leaving you in a poor financial position: He g... i... d... after he lost his job abd eventually had to start selling off his possessions.
    get into debt
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  • to pay off/repay your debts: When applying for a loan, you may be required to prove your ability to c... your d... before they'll agree to lend you anything
    clear your debt
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  • to do or use less of something: I'm trying to c... d... on caffeine. She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she's c... d... .
    cut down
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  • something expensive that is pleasant to have but is not necessary: water is a neccessity; champagne is a l...
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  • continue to spend and therefore owe a large amount of money: He r... u... h... d... on designer clothes and I don't know where he's going to get the monet from to pay it back.
    to run up huge debts
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  • to pay an amount: You will face interest charges if you don't m.... a p... within 30 days.
    make a payment
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  • the maximum amount of money that a bank will allow someone to borrow, especially on a credit card: exceed/go over a c... l... The bank will charge a fee if you exceed your c... l... 
    credit limit
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  • to take money from a bank or other financial organization and pay it back over a period of time: Like so many companies at that time, we had to b... heavily to survive.
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  • not yet paid, solved, or done: The bank reported they still have $450 million in o... debts. There are still a couple of problems o... issues that we need to fix.
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  • to return money to someone from whom you have borrowed it: I'll p... b... the money I borrowed once I get my salary.
    pay back
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  • an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement that allows this: run up/have an o... My bank account has an o... of 300zl
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  • used to describe a loan with no extra payment for borrowing: The card offers 59 days' i... f... credit so in fact you're borrowing for nothing.
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