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English Collocations in Use Advanced - Unit 33:  ...

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  • the crime of getting money by deceiving people: credit card f... She was arrested for f... after soliciting for donations to a charity that didn't exist. Insted, all the money was going to ger own bank account.
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  • the crime of using someone's personal information in order to pretend to be them and to get money or goods in their name: Statistics show that millions of people are victims of i... t... each year, with loans being taken out in their names.
    identity theft
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  • to change something, such as a document, in order to deceive people: The name on the certificate had clearly been f...ed to make it look it belonged to someone else .
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  • dishonest, not real and illegal: A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in f... claims.
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  • a payment to a bank account: To open an account, you need to make a minimum d... of $500 OR money you pay as the 1st payment or as insurance: the shop assistant says if I leave £10 d... they'll reserve the item for me.
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  • to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do: People who d... on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
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  • to officially tell someone to pay back money you lent them: The bank can c... i... the loan at any time.
    call in a loan/debt
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  • to accept that a debt will not be paid or that money has been lost: Last year the bank w... o... $17 million in bad debts.
    write off
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  • actions taken to reduce the amount spent on a service or within an organization: There needs to be substantial c... c... or else we'll go bankrupt. c... c... exercise / c... c...... measures
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  • stop or limit increases in the cost of living c... i...
    curb inflation
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  • the cost of living (or spending) out of control: r... i...
    rampant inflation
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  • to be doing very well: ex the gaming industry is t... at the moment
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  • rapidly falling, like jumping out of plane without a parachute: the CD market has p... since digital music services became available
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  • a more respectful name for the poor or disavantaged: the u....
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  • a more respectful name for the poor or disadvantaged: the u.... [children from u... backgrounds are able to receive free school meals
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