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Quite Interesting - General Ignorance game

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  •  English    25     Public
    Welcome to the first atempt to make a QI game
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  • How many legs does an octopus have?
    2 - they have 8 limbs but 2 of them are used for propultion and 6 for feeding so they have 2 legs and 6 arms
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  • What colour are oranges?
    Depends - most of them are green even when ripe. They become orange only when they grow in the temperate climate when the weather cools down.
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  • What is the strangest substance known to science?
    H2O - The only substance that can be in all 3 states in the same time, it is the universal solvent, it is captured in minerals as much as there are oceans
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  • At what temperature does water freeze?
    Not 0 C - Pure water freezes at - 42 C but this case is not present in nature and because of particles (dust or organic) it can freeze at a higher temperature
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  • Can you name a fish?
    Fish do not exist - we call fish a lot of spiecies that are very different but fish is only on the menu. In the XVIth century fish were: seals, hippos, whales
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  • What are the chances of surviving a plane crash?
    They're very good indeed: especially if you're in the cheap seats. In USA between 1983 and 2000 90% of the passegers survived.
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  • What is the second highest peak on Earth?
    Also Everest - Everest has an altitude of 8850m and the second highest peak on a different mountain is K2 8611m but the south peak of Everest is 8759 m tall
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  • How can you tell which way is North in a forest?
    The moss is a legend - you could use the Sun but the rise is in the East just at the equinox. The best way is to wait for the night and use the North Star
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  • What are the chances of a coin landing on heads?
    it is not 50 - 50 If the coin is headsup to begin with it is more likely to land on heads
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  • What kind of stripes make you look slimmer?
    Not vertical ones. According to a research in 2008 at the University of York it is stripes running across the body that make the wearer appear more trim.
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  • What is the natural reaction to bright light?
    Squinting or shading the eyes is instinctive but at least 25% respond by sneezing. Also your nose grows when you lie because of the higher blood going faster.
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  • What was Cleopatra's nationality?
    She was Greek and was a direct descendant of Ptolemy I the right hand man to Alexander the Great
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  • How much does a cloud weigh?
    A lot! an average cloud 100 elephants, a storm cloud 200.000 elephants, a huricane 40 million elephants.
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  • What language was mostly spoken in ancient Rome?
    Greek and not Latin. Actually Latin was considered vulgar or common and most people of the elite were talking Greek
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  • When did the English Parliament make slavery illegal in England?
    6 April 2010 when it was officially made illegal. Abolished in 1833 but made illegal in 2010. In 1967 evesdropping, night walking were abolished
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  • Which country is the most successful military power in European history?
    France. Out of 168 battles fought since 387 BC they won 109, lost forty-nine and drawn ten. If you google French military victories on google....
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