
Quite Interesting - General Ignorance game

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  • What is the natural reaction to bright light?
    Squinting or shading the eyes is instinctive but at least 25% respond by sneezing. Also your nose grows when you lie because of the higher blood going faster.
  • What are the chances of a coin landing on heads?
    it is not 50 - 50 If the coin is headsup to begin with it is more likely to land on heads
  • At what temperature does water freeze?
    Not 0 C - Pure water freezes at - 42 C but this case is not present in nature and because of particles (dust or organic) it can freeze at a higher temperature
  • How much does a cloud weigh?
    A lot! an average cloud 100 elephants, a storm cloud 200.000 elephants, a huricane 40 million elephants.
  • What is the strangest substance known to science?
    H2O - The only substance that can be in all 3 states in the same time, it is the universal solvent, it is captured in minerals as much as there are oceans
  • What colour are oranges?
    Depends - most of them are green even when ripe. They become orange only when they grow in the temperate climate when the weather cools down.
  • How many legs a centipede has?
    96 the only one that has an even pair of legs always they have an odd number of pairs
  • Who invented the telephone?
    Antonio Meucci but was too poor to patent it and Bell stole his idea and did it in his name
  • How many legs does an octopus have?
    2 - they have 8 limbs but 2 of them are used for propultion and 6 for feeding so they have 2 legs and 6 arms
  • What are the chances of surviving a plane crash?
    They're very good indeed: especially if you're in the cheap seats. In USA between 1983 and 2000 90% of the passegers survived.
  • How can you tell which way is North in a forest?
    The moss is a legend - you could use the Sun but the rise is in the East just at the equinox. The best way is to wait for the night and use the North Star
  • Who was the first man to circumvent the earth?
    Not Magellan he was killed in the Pacific Ocean by canibals but his ship Juan Sebastian Del Cano made it back with his second in command
  • Which country ritually burns the most American Flags?
    USA. Boy scounts and military veteran organisations burn 1000s of flags because they are no longer fit to be used and they can be burned in a ceremony
  • Does eating chocolate give you acne?
    Nothing that we eat can give us acne. Diet can affect it but not make it be more powerful or less.
  • What is the second highest peak on Earth?
    Also Everest - Everest has an altitude of 8850m and the second highest peak on a different mountain is K2 8611m but the south peak of Everest is 8759 m tall
  • What kind of stripes make you look slimmer?
    Not vertical ones. According to a research in 2008 at the University of York it is stripes running across the body that make the wearer appear more trim.
  • Which country is the most successful military power in European history?
    France. Out of 168 battles fought since 387 BC they won 109, lost forty-nine and drawn ten. If you google French military victories on google....
  • When did the English Parliament make slavery illegal in England?
    6 April 2010 when it was officially made illegal. Abolished in 1833 but made illegal in 2010. In 1967 evesdropping, night walking were abolished
  • How many letters are there in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch?
    Looks like 58 but they are 51 because ll and ch count as a single letter in Welsh (diagraphs). Also the name is the official longest name of a settlement in EU
  • What language was mostly spoken in ancient Rome?
    Greek and not Latin. Actually Latin was considered vulgar or common and most people of the elite were talking Greek
  • Witch part of your tongue tastes bitter things?
    All of it and it is viable for all types of taste
  • In what month was the Russian October revolution in 1917?
    November. It happened on the 7th of November 1917 but Russian has the old style calendar so by deducting 14 days for them it was 25th of October
  • More people killed by atomic bombs or ducks?
    Ducks because of the spreading of the Spanish Flu
  • What was Cleopatra's nationality?
    She was Greek and was a direct descendant of Ptolemy I the right hand man to Alexander the Great
  • Can you name a fish?
    Fish do not exist - we call fish a lot of spiecies that are very different but fish is only on the menu. In the XVIth century fish were: seals, hippos, whales