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Life Skills Trivia 1

  •  English    43     Public
    Life Skills Trivia questions about daily living, budgeting, self care etc...
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  • What do you call a plan for spending money?
    A Budget
  •  10
  • What is "Gross Pay"?
    The total amount of money earner before any deductions are made
  •  25
  • What is money put into a bank account called?
    A Deposit
  •  15
  • How do make a medical or dental appointment ?
    1. Look up Google where you want to go 2. Call the office 3. Determine availability for the time and date scheduled 5. confirm app 4. Show up to appointments
  •  20
  • When should you got o the emergency room?
    If everything you have tried hasn't stopped the pain or bleeding. If you broke anything (arm, leg, rib). High Fever . Something out of the ordinary
  •  25
  • Name some ways to prevent getting pregnant or someone else pregnant?
    Abstain from all intercourse until mature age, condoms, Birth controll,
  •  15
  • Describe your ethnic identity
    Asian, Latino, African American, Native, Native Hawaiian, White etc...
  •  10
  • How can you show appreciation towards someone?
    Thank you card, phone call, encouraging text, say I love you etc...
  •  5
  • True or false. My choices/actions have a direct impact on others.
  •  5
  • How can you deal with anger without hurting others or damaging things?
    Take a brake, exercise, reflect on what happened, punch a pillow, practice breathing techniques
  •  15
  • Name one negative to using a check cash or payday loan store?
    high interest rates, getting into debt,
  •  20
  • How much percentage of money should you save each pay check?
  •  15
  • True or False. Should you look over your work for mistakes?
  •  5
  • What is a consequence?
    The thing that happens because of the choices you made
  •  10
  • 2x24
  •  15
  • Where do we store eggs?
    in the fridge
  •  5