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Life Skills Trivia 1

  •  English    52     Public
    Life Skills Trivia questions about daily living, budgeting, self care etc...
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  • What do you call a plan for spending money?
    A Budget
  •  10
  • What is "Gross Pay"?
    The total amount of money earner before any deductions are made
  •  25
  • What is money put into a bank account called?
    A Deposit
  •  15
  • What are the steps to doing laundry?
    1. Separate clothes by color. 2. Fix setting on machine (cold or hot water) 3. Add detergent 4.Place clothes on washer 5. Place clothes on dryer
  •  25
  • The flower garden is overgrown with weeds. You need to do this to allow it to grow and look pretty.
    Weed the garden
  •  15
  • Name two cleaning products found in the kitchen
    Bleach, Lysol, Dish soap, etc...
  •  10
  • Name the steps to taking care of minor injuries/ cuts
    1. Determine if you need to go to emergency 2. Rinse affected area 3. If bleeding, put pressure 4. Clean with alcohol 5. Put band aid
  •  20
  • How do make a medical or dental appointment ?
    1. Look up Google where you want to go 2. Call the office 3. Determine availability for the time and date scheduled 5. confirm app 4. Show up to appointments
  •  20
  • When should you got o the emergency room?
    If everything you have tried hasn't stopped the pain or bleeding. If you broke anything (arm, leg, rib). High Fever . Something out of the ordinary
  •  25
  • How many times should you shower a week?
    At least 3-6 times a week. Also more determined by exercise, sweat etc...
  •  10
  • What are STD's?
    Sexually Transmitted Disease
  •  15
  • Name some ways to prevent getting pregnant or someone else pregnant?
    Abstain from all intercourse until mature age, condoms, Birth controll,
  •  15
  • Describe your ethnic identity
    Asian, Latino, African American, Native, Native Hawaiian, White etc...
  •  10
  • How can you show appreciation towards someone?
    Thank you card, phone call, encouraging text, say I love you etc...
  •  5
  • True or false. My choices/actions have a direct impact on others.
  •  5
  • How can you deal with anger without hurting others or damaging things?
    Take a brake, exercise, reflect on what happened, punch a pillow, practice breathing techniques
  •  15