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Tricky Tricky Riddles

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  •  English    18     Public
    Can your students answer these tricky riddles? Great for middle school students.
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  • What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
    A clock
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  • What word begins and ends with an E but only has one letter?
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  • What has a neck but no head?
    A bottle
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  • What gets wetter as it dries?
    A towel
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  • Why would a man living in New York not be buried in Chicago?
    Because he is still living
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  • What ship has two mates, but no captain?
    A relationship
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  • Bobby throws a ball as hard as he can. It comes back to him, even though nothing and nobody touches it. How?
    He throws it straight up.
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  • What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?
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  • If an electric train is travelling south, which way is the smoke going?
    There is no smoke
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  • What is next in this sequence? JFMAMJJASON . . .
    The letter “D.” The sequence contains the first letter of each month.
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  • What goes up but never goes down?
    Your age
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  • How do you make the number one disappear?
    Add the letter G and it’s “gone”
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  • A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?
    None of them, because you cannot get a banana from a coconut tree!
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  • What has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps, can run but never walks, and has a bank but no money?
    A river
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  • What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute?
    His breath
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  • If a blue house is made out of blue bricks, a yellow house is made out of yellow bricks and a pink house is made out of pink bricks, what is a green house made of?
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