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G6 Ch1 L1 Classifying Plants and Animals

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  •  English    10     Public
    Week 1 McGraw-Hill Science for ESL students.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are the characteristics of living things? (Name four of the five we learned.)
    (1) made of cells; (2) obtain+use energy; (3) reproduce; (4) grow+develop; (5) respond to environment.
  •  20
  • List the seven classification groups in order, beginning with the largest, or most general.
    Domain, Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
  •  20
  • Which have more in common: organisms in the same family or organisms in the same order? Explain.
    Family have more traits in common.
  •  15
  • Where does the name “carnivore” come from?
    In Latin, "carn"=meat/flesh, "vorus"=devouring/feeding upon".
  •  15
  • By which two names does a species get identified?
    Genus+species names.
  •  10
  • What is the first division of plants based on?
    The presence or absence of vascular tissue, veins or tubes in roots, stems, and leaves.
  •  10
  • What is one of the main roles of fungi?
    Breaking down dead organisms.
  •  15
  • What is Penicillium Notatum and why is it so important?
    A fungus species that makes penicillin, an antibiotic that saves lives by killing bacteria.
  •  20
  • What features distinguish each of these kingdoms: plants, fungi, and protists?
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  25
  • What are the two kinds of bacteria and how are they different?
    Eubacteria ("true bacteria", live anywhere) and Archaeobacteria ("ancient bacteria", live in extreme environments).
  •  25