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Ms. Chan's Social Challenge

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  •  English    20     Public
    Social skills scenarios
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • T or F: It is okay to yell at my parents if I'm very, very mad.
  •  10
  • When I become very upset, three things I could do are:
    Take deep breaths, count to 10, sit in my quiet place until I'm calm, squeeze a stress ball, talk about why I'm so angry
  •  20
  • Name one thing that helps calm you down.
    Choices vary. Answer must be calming/
  •  10
  • T or F: It is OK to get upset or angry.
    True. Anger is an emotion. We all have emotions. It is HOW we handle our emotions that counts.
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  • T or F: Listening is an important part of communication with others.
    True. We must be active listeners when communicating with others.
  •  15
  • T or F: When I apologize, I don't really have to mean it. I only have to say it.
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  • T or F: It is OK to be mean to others if I'm tired or sick.
    False. We must always be mindful of how we treat others.
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  • T or F: Having fancy toys and clothes is important when making new friends.
    False. Being a nice person is most important. Having similar interests is great as well, but you don't have to have expensive toys or clothes to be a friend.
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  • T or F: Remote and Virtual School aren't real schools. I don't really have to do my work.
    False. Both Remote Learning and Virtual School are "Official" schools and are run by highly qualified teachers. You will get grades and report cards.
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  • T or F: I am responsible for my learning.
    True. Teachers and parents can help get you ready to learn, but it is up to YOU to put in the time and effort needed to succeed. It is UP TO YOU!
  •  15
  • Who is the BEST teacher at Veva Blunt? Seriously!
    Ms. Chan, of course! She is cooler than a cucumber, more mellow than jello, and more chill than a bowl of ice cream.
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  • T or F: Independent work is not as important as Zoom.
    False: Both zoom and independent work make up your grades.
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  • T or F: It is good integrity to set a timer when working on writing.
    True, a timer keeps you honest and makes sure you do the full 40 minutes.
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  • T or F: It's ok to make fun of people on the internet or in games because it's not in person.
    False, Being mean on the internet is called cyber bullying and should never be done.
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  • T or F: It's ok to have the wrong answer.
    True: Having the wrong answer means that you are trying, plus, mistakes help us learn!
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  • T or F: Feeling frustrated is a normal way to feel when things are challenging.
    True: Yes, it is completely normal to feel frustrated but how you handle your frustration is important.
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