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Taming of the Shrew No Fear Shakespeare Edition  ...

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  •  English    51     Public
    Identifying the meaning of words found in the great Shakespeare's work
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Alas, grim death, how VILE and ugly your near twin, sleep is!" (p. 5)
    extremely unpleasant
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Do this-make it convincing-and we'll have fun. It could work if it's done SUBTLY." (p. 7)
    in a manner so delicate and precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "My presence may put a DAMPER on their high spirits, which might otherwise get out of control." (p. 13)
    a person or thing that has a depressing, subsiding, or inhibiting effect.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean:"What GARMENT would your Honor like to wear today?" (p. 15)
    an item of clothing
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "I'm Christopher Sly...and now, by present profession, a TINKER." (p. 17)
    a person who travels from place to place mending metal utensils as a way of making a living.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Oh noble lord, consider your LINEAGE." (p. 17)
    ancestry or pedigree.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "...your greyhounds are as swift as healthy STAGS and faster than young deer." (p. 19)
    male deer
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "They say that too much suffering has made your blood COAGULATE..." (p. 25)
    (of a fluid, especially blood) change to a solid or semi solid state.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean:"...pursue those areas of philosophy that teach a man how to achieve happiness through VIRTUE." (p. 29)
    behavior showing high moral standards.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "That said, let's not become total STOICS or unfeeling blocks of wood and give up all thought of pleasure." (p. 31)
    a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "...practice your logic as you chat with your friends, and your RHETORIC in ordinary conversation." (p. 31)
    the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Therefore, if either of you is PARTIAL to Katherina, he shall have my permission to court her freely." (p. 33)
    having a liking for
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "This girl is either completely crazy or incredibly WILLFUL." (p. 33)
    having or showing a stubborn and determined intention to do as one wants, regardless of consequences or effects."
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "I don't STINT when it comes to educating my children." (p. 37)
    supply an ungenerous or inadequate amount of something; skimp, scrimp
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "...if he'd get here quickly, WOO her, marry her, take her to bed, and rid the house of her." (p. 41)
    to gain the love of someone, especially with a view to marriage.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "You missed the part where her sister began to scold her and made such a RUCKUS that human ears could hardly stand it?" (p.43)
    a disturbance or commotion
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