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Taming of the Shrew No Fear Shakespeare Edition  ...

  •  English    51     Public
    Identifying the meaning of words found in the great Shakespeare's work
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Oh, what an ASININE thing this moron is!" (p. 63)
    extremely stupid.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "I know she is a hateful, brawling SCOLD." (p. 65)
    a person who nags or grumbles constantly - usually used for a woman.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Scare children with your BUGABOOS." (p. 67)
    imaginary object of fear
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Are you a SUITOR to the girl we speak of, yes or no?" (p. 69)
    a man who pursues a relationship with a particular woman, with a view to marriage.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "...whoever winds up with her will not be such a BOOR as to be ungrateful, I'm sure." (p. 73)
    an unrefined, ill-mannered person
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "You are too BLUNT. You're supposed to work up to it." (p. 79)
    uncompromisingly forthright - abrupt in speech or manner.
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  • What does the capitalized phrase mean: "As for my daughter Katherine, this much I know: she's not for you - MORE'S THE PITY." (p. 81)
    used to express regret about a fact that has just been stated.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "...I'll praise her chattiness and say she speaks with piercing ELOQUENCE." (p. 89)
    fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "...and so, Kate, here's my pitch: that having heard your charming DISPOSITION praised..." (p. 91)
    a person's inherent qualities of mind and character.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "I was told that you were violent, proud, and SULLEN." (p. 97)
    bad-tempered and sulky, gloomy
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "But if Bianca is so VULGAR as to stoop for any man she sees, the hell with her." (p. 121)
    lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "If you're this high-handed to start with, I can imagine how arrogant and ARBITRARY you'll be as a husband." (p. 141)
    based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Go to the banquet: REVEL, feast, and carouse!" (p. 141)
    enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing,
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "Go to the banquet: revel, feast, and CAROUSE!" (p. 141)
    drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noise, lively way.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "'s got more holes than a SIEVE!" (p. 187)
    a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids, etc.
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  • What does the capitalized word mean: "What monstrous ARROGANCE!" (p. 187)
    an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
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