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Proficiency Expert Unit 2

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  • (v) to damage something badly e.g. The country was r______ by civil war.
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  • e_____ somebody/something (in something) = (formal) to involve somebody/something in a bad situation that it is not easy to escape from
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  • (phr. v) (usually disapproving) to mention something that has been forgotten, especially something unpleasant or embarrassinge.g. The papers keep trying to d______ u__ details of his past love life.
    dredge up
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  • t_______ = (n) (of a river or stream) that flows into a larger river or lake
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  • (n) something that you allow or do, or allow somebody to have, in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult"The firm will be forced to make c_____ if it wants to avoid a strike."
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  • (adj) becoming stronger or more popular againe.g. R______ nationalism is sweeping through the country again.
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  • (n) The act of sending a group of settlers to (a place) to establish political control over it. C______
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  • (phr. v) to use all of something so that there is none left . e.g. "Making soup is a good way of ____ing u_ leftover vegetables."
    use up
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  • (n) an important development that may lead to an agreement or achievement. e.g. This drug could be a major b______ for cancer treatment.
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  • (n) a situation in which it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way; the act of stopping something from continuing in the normal way e.g. "The strike caused serious d________s."
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  • (adj) available but not yet used e.g. There are u______ oil resources beneath this country.
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  • (n) the act of using energy, food or materials; the amount used e.g. The meat was declared unfit for human c________. / the act of buying and using products e.g."C______ rather than saving has become the central feature of contemp...
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  • (v) to make a rough low sound, like the sound a frog makes. e.g. A frog c_____ed by the water.
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  • (v) to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say something using this sound. e.g. "Monkeys were s_____ing in the trees." or "No, don't!, she s______ed"
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  • (n/v) a short high sound made by small birds and some insects. e.g. "I could hear birds c____ing in the trees outside"
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  • (n/v) to make a very loud, deep sound. "The lion r_____ed angrily."
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