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What’s So Funny?

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  •  English    16     Public
    Identify the words that make a joke funny!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why couldn’t the pony sing a lullaby? 
    It was a little horse. (Horse: animal vs hoarse: rough voice)
  •  15
  • How do we know the ocean is friendly?
     It waves. (Waves: that you surf on vs. waving a hand)
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  • What animal is always at a baseball game? 
    A bat. (Bat: flying animal. vs bat: what is used to hit a ball.)
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  • Why did the cookie go to the hospital? 
    He felt crummy. (Crummy: feeling ill. vs. Crummy: crumbs or little pieces of food.)
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  • Why was the baby strawberry crying? 
    Her mom and dad were in a jam. (Jam: like jelly. vs Jam: bad situation.)
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  • What did one plate say to the other?
     Dinner is on me. (On me: sitting on top of. vs. on me: I will pay for it.)
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  • Why did the student eat his homework? 
    The teacher said it was a piece of cake. (Piece of cake: easy. vs real cake)
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  • How do you stay warm in any room? 
    Go to the corner - it is always 90 degrees. (90 degree corner. vs 90 degree temperature)
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  • Why was the math book sad? 
    It had to many problems. (Problems: questions in math. vs. problems: difficulties with life.)
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  • Where do polar bears vote? 
    The North Pole. (Pole: top point of the earth. vs poll: where people go to vote).
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  • What do kids play when they can’t play with a phone?
    Bored games. (Bored: have nothing to do. vs. Board games like “Sorry” or “Monopoly”)
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  • How do you know when a bike is thinking? 
    You can see its wheels turning. (Wheels turning: moving. vs Wheels turning: a way to say someone is thinking.)
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  • How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity? 
    Shocked! (Shocked: surprised. vs. shocked: electrical shock.)
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  • Why don’t we ever tell jokes about pizza? 
    They are too cheesy. (Cheesy: mozzarella. vs cheesy: not very funny.)
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  • What kind of music do mummies listen to? 
    Wrap music. (Wrap: how a mummie is made. vs Rap music.)
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  • Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?
    She always runns away from the ball. (Ball: round toy vs Ball: fancy dance)
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