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Story of the World, Volume 4; Chapter 12 Review

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  • When Henry VIII became a Protestant, what happened to most of Ireland?
    Most of Ireland remained Catholic.
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  • List three ways in which Catholics in Ireland were treated badly.
    Protestant rulers took land away from Catholics and gave it to Protestants; Catholics couldn't buy or inherit land; Catholics couldn't join the army;...
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  • What did the British government do in 1801?
    It dissolved the Irish Parliament.
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  • What disaster began to spread across Ireland in 1845?
    Potatoes began to rot and people began to starve.
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  • List two ways in which British landlords treated their Irish tenants.
    Landlords evicted the farmers who couldn't pay their rent; landlords insisted that wheat and oat crops be shipped to England.
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  • What did Robert Peel, the prime minister of England, want the Irish to be able to do?
    He wanted them to be able to buy cheap food from other countries.
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  • What did the "Corn Laws" say?
    The Corn Laws said that Irish or English who bought food from other countries would have to pay a huge tax on it.
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  • Was Parliament willing to repeal the Corn Laws?
    No, they refused at first, but finally the laws were repealed.
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  • What happened to Robert Peel?
    He lost his position.
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  • What effect did the plague have on Ireland, once it was over?
    Almost a million Irish had died, and another million had gone to other countries AND/OR the Irish hated English rule even more than before.
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  • What is "home rule"?
    Home rule is a country's right to make its own laws and hold its own assemblies OR a country's right to have control over domestic issues.
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  • Why didn't Irish Protestants want home rule?
    They were afraid that the Irish Parliament would be Catholic, and that Protestants would be mistreated.
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  • What position did William Gladstone, the prime minister of Britain in 1886, take on Home Rule?
    Gladstone thought that Ireland should have home rule.
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  • What did "perpetual coercion" mean?
    If the British went on running Ireland, they would always have to use force.
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  • Did the Home Rule bill pass?
    No, Parliament voted against it.
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  • What was Robert Baden-Powell doing late at night in his headquarters?
    He was making a list of the ways that a dead horse could be used.
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