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Story of the World, Volume 4; Chapter 12 Review

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  • Who was attacking the British soldiers at Mafeking?
    Afrikaners were attacking British soldiers.
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  • Who were the Afrikaners? and Why did their ancestors leave the Cape Colony?
    They were descendants of the Dutch settlers OR descendants of the Boers OR "Africans" of European descent. The Boers left Cape Colony because the Brit...
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  • What were the two Afrikaner colonies in South Africa called?
    They were the Free State and the Transvaal.
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  • What was dug out of the Big Hole?
    Diamonds were found in the Big Hole.
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  • Who claimed the land where the diamonds were found?
    The British claimed that the land belonged to them.
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  • Why did the government of the Transvaal allow the British to come in and mine their gold?
    The people of the Transvaal didn't have enough money to build large mines.
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  • Who was the British governor of the Cape Colony at this time?
    The governor was Cecil Rhodes.
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  • What African colony was named after him?
    Rhodesia was named after him.
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  • What did Cecil Rhodes give his officials permission to do?
    He gave them permission to invade the Transvaal.
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  • What did the people of the Transvaal do?
    They declared war on Great Britain.
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  • What did the British call this war?
    They called it the Boer War.
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  • What did "to maffick" mean, and why?
    It meant "to rejoice," because after the British drove the Afrikaners away from Mafeking, parties were held all over Great Britain.
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  • After Great Britain took control of cities in the Transvaal and the Free State, how did the British deal with groups of Afrikaner guerrillas?
    The British put families who were supplying the guerillas with food into camps.
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  • What were the camps called?
    They were called "concentration camps."
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  • What did the "Peace of Vereeniging" do?
    It united all the colonies into the Union of South Africa, under the British.
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  • What three groups were in the Union of South Africa?
    White British, white Afrikaners, and black Africans lived in the Union.
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