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Vitamins and Minerals Review

  •  English    24     Public
    vitamins and minerals
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  • Which mineral helps build strong bones and teeth?
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  • Which mineral keeps your muscles, heart, and nervous system working properly?
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  • How much calcium is in one serving?
    260 mg
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  • How much potassium is in one serving?
    235 mg
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  • Which mineral makes hemoglobin, which is part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body?
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  • How much iron is in one serving?
    8 mg
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  • Which mineral helps your immune system fight off illnesses and helps heal cuts?
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  • What is the % daily value for iron on this nutrition label?
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  • What is the % daily value for sodium on this nutrition label?
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  • What is the % daily value for total fat on this nutrition label
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  • True or false. 5% or less is considered a LOW % daily value, which means there's not a lot of that nutrient in the food or drink
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  • The saturated fat % daily value on this label is 23%. Is that a high or low % daily value?
    High. Any nutrient with 20% or more means that the food or drink has a lot of that nutrient
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  • Sarah wants to eat more carrots because she learned they can help her with her eyesight. Which vitamin plays a big part in eyesight?
    B Vitamins
    Vitamin A
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  • Jessica has noticed when she eats more oranges and strawberries, she doesn't get sick as often and her cuts and bruises heal faster. Which vitamin is responsible for this?
    Vitamin K
    Vitamin C
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  • Kyle wants to have stronger bones and teeth. He decides to eat more yogurt and spinach. Which mineral do these foods have a lot of that will help him have stronger bones and teeth?
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  • True or false. 20% or more is considered a LOW % daily value, which means there's not a lot of that nutrient in the food or drink
    FALSE. 20% or more of a nutrient is HIGH
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