Game Preview


  •  English    16     Public
    Practice and Review Learned Skills
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  • What are the 3 steps in the frustration triangle?
    Name it, Tame it, Reframe it
  •  15
  • What are 3 tame it "chill out" skills?
    deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, stretch, think of something that makes you happy, count to 10
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  • Change this negative thought into a positive thought- "math is so hard, I'm never going to get it!"
    I can keep trying my best and ask for help, I will get better with practice
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  • Practice: pick a part of your body (face, neck or hands) and practice muscle relaxation
    squeeze and relax
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  • You are working on math worksheet and get stuck on a problem, what can you do?
    look at your notes, try a different method to solve it, ask for help, move on to an easier problem and come back to it
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  • Name 5 different emotions/feelings
    happy, sad, mad, frustrated, embarrassed, shy, disappointed, jealous
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  • TEAM CHALLENGE: Billy's dog just died and when he got to school another student bumped in to him and he spilled his milk. What might he be thinking, what might he be feeling? How can he change his thoughts?
    "this is the worst day ever", "everything is going wrong" sad, mad. "this is a tough day but it will hopefully get better" take a break to calm down
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  • Jess' dad just left out of state for work and will be gone for 5 weeks. How does she feel? What can she do?
    Sad. She can talk to an adult, draw, do something that makes her happy
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  • You are worried because your brother broke his leg and is in the hospital. What is a helpful thought?
    "He will be okay, he is being taken care of" "I will see him when he gets home"
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  • The reading assignment is difficult for you. Name it!
    I feel frustrated because I don't understand the assignment
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  • A student laughs at your drawing. Name it!
    I feel sad when you laugh at my drawing
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  • Act it out: Pick a partner and practice a chill skill or coping strategy with them
    tell a joke to make them laugh, deep breaths, muscle relaxation, negative-positive thinking, count to 10, tell them something encouraging
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  • Tame it and solve it: You got in trouble for throwing paper in class and the teacher canceled your recess time
    Take some deep breaths, ask to talk to the teacher when you are calm, count to 10, muscle relaxation
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  • Pick a partner: Come up with your own scenario and have your parrtner practice naming it, taming it or reframing it
    How would you feel if...., what can you do to help you if...., if you are thinking... what is a positive thought?
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  • Reframe it: "my friend isn't playing with me at recess, they don't like me"
    "they probably just want to play with someone else today, that's okay" "I can ask if I can play with them"
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  • Tame it: You keep getting the questions wrong on IXL or Kahoot and you're starting to feel frustrated
    Ask for a break, do something to feel better, tell yourself "it's okay" "I will keep trying"
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