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Jeopardy - SH

  •  English    40     Public
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  • He plays the violin or he plays chess with Dr Watson.
    What does Sherlock do in his free time? or What does Sherlock do when he wants to relax or meditate?
  •  15
  • Jeremy Brett and Robert Downey Junior.
    Can you name two famous actors who played Sherlock?
  •  15
  • He usually smokes a pipe and he sometimes uses cocaine.
    What is Sherlock addicted to?
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  • In New York City. Sherlock assists the NYPD in solving crimes.
    Where is the TV series Elementary set in?
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  • Watson is a woman and the series is set in New York City.
    Can you name two major differences between the original Sherlock stories and the TV series Elementary?
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  • Yes, he still is in a way since he documents their adventures on his blog.
    Is Dr Watson still the narraotor of Sherlock's adventures in the TV series Sherlock?
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  • They were furiuos and eventually persuaded Conan Doyle to bring Sherlock back.
    How did the fans react when Conan Doyle decided to kill his hero?
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  • He usually wears a trench coat and a deerstalker hat.
    What does Sherlock Holmes wear?
  •  15