
Jeopardy - SH

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  • Because the stories were mysteroius, exciting and full of adventures.
    Why did Sherlock Holmes become instantly popular?
  • Arthur Conan Doyle.
    Who created the famous detective?
  • Sidney Paget did.
    Who made the now famous illustrations of Sherlock Holmes in the Strand Magazine?
  • Yes, he still is in a way since he documents their adventures on his blog.
    Is Dr Watson still the narraotor of Sherlock's adventures in the TV series Sherlock?
  • In 1887.
    When was Sherlock's first adventure published? or When did Conan Doyle write the first Sherlock adventure?
  • Sherlock fights with his archenemy and they both die.
    What happens in the Final Problem?
  • In 1930.
    When did Conan Doyle die?
  • A Study in Scarlet.
    What is Sherlock's first adventure?
  • He usually wears a trench coat and a deerstalker hat.
    What does Sherlock Holmes wear?
  • He is a famous fictional detective.
    Who is Sherlock Holmes?
  • The Hound of the Baskervilles.
    What is the best known of Sherlock's adventures?
  • A dressing gown.
    What does Sherlock usually wear when at home?
  • Solving crimes.
    What does Sherlock's job consist in?
  • In New York City. Sherlock assists the NYPD in solving crimes.
    Where is the TV series Elementary set in?
  • In Victorian or Edwardian eras.
    Which eras were most of Sherlock's adventures set in?
  • Her name is Mrs Hudson.
    What's the name of Sherlock's landlady and housekeeper?
  • Watson is a woman and the series is set in New York City.
    Can you name two major differences between the original Sherlock stories and the TV series Elementary?
  • For his clever observation and his logical reasoning.
    What is Sherlock famous for?
  • No, he never existed.
    Is Sherlock Holmes a real person?
  • He is rather tall and thin with a thin nose, sharp eyes and a prominent chin.
    What does Sherlock Holmes look like? or How is Sherlock typically portrayed?
  • He was Scottish.
    What nationality was Arthur Conan Doyle?
  • He plays the violin or he plays chess with Dr Watson.
    What does Sherlock do in his free time? or What does Sherlock do when he wants to relax or meditate?
  • He had no choice but to revive his hero.
    What did Conan Doyle do in the Adventure of the Empty House in 1894?
  • The Sherlock Holmes museum.
    What can you visit at 221B Baker street in London?
  • A magnifying glass.
    What does Sherlock use to examine fingerprints?
  • 56.
    How many short stories did Conan Doyle write?
  • In the Strand Magazine.
    Where were Sherlock's adventures first published?
  • To solve crimes, he searches foir clues.
    How does Sherlock solve crimes?
  • Professor Moriarty.
    Who is Sherlock's archenemy?
  • With Doctor Watson.
    Who does Sherlock live and work with?
  • Jeremy Brett and Robert Downey Junior.
    Can you name two famous actors who played Sherlock?
  • He is best known for his creation of the detective Sherlock Holmes.
    Who is Arthur Conan Doyle? or Who was Arthur Conan Doyle?
  • At 221B Baker Street.
    Where does Sherlock Holmes live? or What is Sherlock's address?
  • Elementary, my dear Watson.
    What is Sherlock's famous catchphrase? or What does Sherlock usually say after solving a crime?
  • The statue is in Marelybone, not far from Madame Tussauds.
    Which London district is Sherlock Holmes statue in?
  • She is Sherlock's landlady and housekeeper.
    Who is Mrs Hudson?
  • They were furiuos and eventually persuaded Conan Doyle to bring Sherlock back.
    How did the fans react when Conan Doyle decided to kill his hero?
  • In 1859.
    When was Arthur Conan Doyle born?
  • He usually smokes a pipe and he sometimes uses cocaine.
    What is Sherlock addicted to?
  • He is Sherlock's sidekick and the narrator of most of his adventures.
    Who is Doctor Watson?