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He usually wears a trench coat and a deerstalker hat.
What does Sherlock Holmes wear?
They were furiuos and eventually persuaded Conan Doyle to bring Sherlock back.
How did the fans react when Conan Doyle decided to kill his hero?
Yes, he still is in a way since he documents their adventures on his blog.
Is Dr Watson still the narraotor of Sherlock's adventures in the TV series Sherlock?
Watson is a woman and the series is set in New York City.
Can you name two major differences between the original Sherlock stories and the TV series Elementary?
In New York City. Sherlock assists the NYPD in solving crimes.
Where is the TV series Elementary set in?
He usually smokes a pipe and he sometimes uses cocaine.
What is Sherlock addicted to?
Jeremy Brett and Robert Downey Junior.
Can you name two famous actors who played Sherlock?
He plays the violin or he plays chess with Dr Watson.
What does Sherlock do in his free time? or What does Sherlock do when he wants to relax or meditate?
A dressing gown.
What does Sherlock usually wear when at home?
For his clever observation and his logical reasoning.
What is Sherlock famous for?
To solve crimes, he searches foir clues.
How does Sherlock solve crimes?
A magnifying glass.
What does Sherlock use to examine fingerprints?
Elementary, my dear Watson.
What is Sherlock's famous catchphrase? or What does Sherlock usually say after solving a crime?
He is rather tall and thin with a thin nose, sharp eyes and a prominent chin.
What does Sherlock Holmes look like? or How is Sherlock typically portrayed?
The Sherlock Holmes museum.
What can you visit at 221B Baker street in London?
The statue is in Marelybone, not far from Madame Tussauds.
Which London district is Sherlock Holmes statue in?
He was Scottish.
What nationality was Arthur Conan Doyle?
Professor Moriarty.
Who is Sherlock's archenemy?
He had no choice but to revive his hero.
What did Conan Doyle do in the Adventure of the Empty House in 1894?
Sherlock fights with his archenemy and they both die.
What happens in the Final Problem?
Sidney Paget did.
Who made the now famous illustrations of Sherlock Holmes in the Strand Magazine?
Because the stories were mysteroius, exciting and full of adventures.
Why did Sherlock Holmes become instantly popular?
In the Strand Magazine.
Where were Sherlock's adventures first published?
Her name is Mrs Hudson.
What's the name of Sherlock's landlady and housekeeper?
She is Sherlock's landlady and housekeeper.
Who is Mrs Hudson?
He is Sherlock's sidekick and the narrator of most of his adventures.
Who is Doctor Watson?
With Doctor Watson.
Who does Sherlock live and work with?
At 221B Baker Street.
Where does Sherlock Holmes live? or What is Sherlock's address?
In 1887.
When was Sherlock's first adventure published? or When did Conan Doyle write the first Sherlock adventure?
A Study in Scarlet.
What is Sherlock's first adventure?
In Victorian or Edwardian eras.
Which eras were most of Sherlock's adventures set in?
How many short stories did Conan Doyle write?
In 1930.
When did Conan Doyle die?
In 1859.
When was Arthur Conan Doyle born?
He is best known for his creation of the detective Sherlock Holmes.
Who is Arthur Conan Doyle? or Who was Arthur Conan Doyle?
Arthur Conan Doyle.
Who created the famous detective?
Solving crimes.
What does Sherlock's job consist in?
The Hound of the Baskervilles.
What is the best known of Sherlock's adventures?
No, he never existed.
Is Sherlock Holmes a real person?
He is a famous fictional detective.
Who is Sherlock Holmes?