Game Preview

School Therapy Group

  • I want to tell the class about my plans for the weekend but we're in the middle of English. What should I do?
  •  20
  • Give an example of an impulse that might lead to a negative consequence
    Interrupting or talking out of turn, making jokes at inappropriate times, getting up out of my chair during a test
  •  15
  • How might someone feel if they raised their hand to answer a question but they weren't called on.
  •  15
  • What might someone feel if their stomach feels "fluttery"?
    Anxious, Nervous, Worried, Scared
  •  15
  • What is a physical symptom of stress?
    Headache, stomachache, digestive issues, muscle tension, body aches, trouble sleeping
  •  15
  • Luke's strength is that he's funny. How can that personal quality help him?
    Make friends, make others laugh or improve their mood, use it as a coping skill for himself
  •  20
  • Jenny struggles with being organized. What strategies can she use to help her in school?
    Making lists/schedules of things to do, using folders/notebooks/binders to keep her work separate and filed, using timers, using music while working
  •  25
  • What might someone be feeling if their not motivated to do their work?
    Sad, depressed, distracted
  •  15