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PET Student Book- Unit 1 Homes

  •  English    113     Public
    PET Lessons
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 6. Talk it out! Would you like to live in a cave home? Why or why not?
    . . .
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  • Which other unusual places to live do you know of?
    . . .
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  • Grammar: Present simple, Presention continuous, and state verbs
    Grammar Time!!!!
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  • 1. Match extracts with the present simple and present continuous: I am sitting in a cave.
    A. It's always true
    D. it's in progress
    B. it's happening
    C. it happens regularly
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  • 1. Match extracts with the present simple and present continuous: the climate is changing
    C. it happens regularly
    D. it's in progress
    A. It's always true
    B. It's happening now
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  • 1. Match extracts with the present simple and present continuous: it remains cool, even in summer
    D. it's in progress
    B. It's happening now
    C. it happens regularly
    A. It's always true
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  • 1. Match extracts with the present simple and present continuous: it reaches 35 degrees almost every day
    A. it's always true
    C. it happens regularly
    D. it's in progress
    B. It's happening now
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  • 2. Complete the email with the correct form of the verb in Brackets. Use the present simple or the present continous.
    2. I'm siting  3. is  4. I'm looking  5. love  6. stay  7. go  8. is getting  9. leave  10.  is blowing  11.  I'm having  12.  don't think
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  • 3: State Verbs: they describe thoughts, possession, and existence.
    Let's have a look. Can you guess the state verb?
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  • 3. What is the state verb?
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  • 3. What is the state verb?
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  • 3. What is the state verb?
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  • 3. What is the state verb?
    jump over
    get away
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  • 3. What is the state verb?
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  • 3. Which of these are state verbs? belong / change/ consist / contain / dream / exist / fill / forget / guess / improve / include/ matter/ mean / need / own / paint / prefer / relax / remember / seem / suppose / understand
    All except, change, dream, fill, improve, paint, and relax
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  • 4. Ask your partner questions using the state verbs. Try to ask about family and friends and remember the answers.
    Example: Do you beloing to a youth club? Do you ever forget important things?
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