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PET Student Book- Unit 1 Homes

  •  English    113     Public
    PET Lessons
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 3. Conversation time! Talk about what is true or not true from from the previous sentences you discused. I ocassionaly listen to music on the radio.
    Student A:  I rarely listen to music on the radio.  Student B: I listen to music all day on the weekends.
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I check my email.
    Student A:  / Student B:
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I'm late for school.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I write letters to friends.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I don't have lunch at home.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I'm sleepy in the mornings.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I go out on Monday nights.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 3. Conversation time. Use different frequency adverbs and expressions. I stay in bed late.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 4. Work together to ask about these activities and answer usng the frequency adverbs plus the correct preposition of time.
    Example: Student A: When do you get up?  Student B: I always get up at 7:30 in the morning.
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  • 4. Now time to talk it out!  arrive at school / get home / get up in the morning/ go to bed / have breakfast / have dinner / have lunch.
    Student A:  / Student B: 
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  • 5. Ask your partner questions about the following, beginning "Do you ever" or  " How often do you . . ." Use expressions like every day, once a week, and twice a month in your answers.
    chat online / cook a meal / go dancing / read a magazine / sent text messages / tidy room
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  • Reading Part 5
    Speaking Time
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  • 1. In what ways are the homes in the pictures different from ordinary homes?
    Student A / Student B:
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  • 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in each?
    Student A / Student B:
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  • 1. Which would you like to live in? Why?
    Student A / Student B:
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  • 2. Please read the text and don't fill in the gaps.
    Student A / Student B:
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