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Vocabulary Roots

  •  English    29     Public
    Understanding roots can go along way to helping one have a better idea of unfamiliar vocabulary. Guess at what these roots might be and answer the bonus question!
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  • chron (as in chronological, chronic)
    time [what does it mean to be "synchronized"?]
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  • co (as in coeducation, co-author, co-captain)
     (with, together [what might "cohousing" be?]
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  • col (as in colloborate, collusion, collection)
    together or jointly [what does it mean to "collide"?]
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  • crypto (as in cryptic, encrypt)
    hidden, secret [what does "cryptography" mean?]
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  • cycl (as in bicycle, cyclone, cycle)
    circle, ring [what does "tricycle" mean?]
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  • dem/o (demographic, epidemic)
    people, population ["-cracy" means "rule by," so what does "democracy" mean?]
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  • derm (dermatologist, dermatitis)
    skin ["pachy-" means "thick," so what could a "pachyderm" be?]
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  • di (as in divide, divorce)
    two,twice [An "oxide" is a compound containing oxygen, so how many molocules of oxygen are in "carbon dioxide"?]
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  • dict (as in dictionary, contradict, dictate)
    speak or say ["pre-" means before, so what does it mean to "predict" something?]
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  • don (as in donate, donor)
    give [what does it mean to "pardon" someone?]
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  • dur (as in durable, duration)
    harden, to last [what does it mean to "endure?"]
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  • dys (as in dysfunctional, dyslexia, dyspepsia)
    abnormal, bad [a "utopia" is a perfect place, so what is a "dystopia"?]
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  • ego (as in alter ego, egotistic)
    self [what kind of person might an "egomaniac" be?]
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