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Vocabulary Roots

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ego (as in alter ego, egotistic)
self [what kind of person might an "egomaniac" be?]
dys (as in dysfunctional, dyslexia, dyspepsia)
abnormal, bad [a "utopia" is a perfect place, so what is a "dystopia"?]
dur (as in durable, duration)
harden, to last [what does it mean to "endure?"]
don (as in donate, donor)
give [what does it mean to "pardon" someone?]
dict (as in dictionary, contradict, dictate)
speak or say ["pre-" means before, so what does it mean to "predict" something?]
di (as in divide, divorce)
two,twice [An "oxide" is a compound containing oxygen, so how many molocules of oxygen are in "carbon dioxide"?]
derm (dermatologist, dermatitis)
skin ["pachy-" means "thick," so what could a "pachyderm" be?]
dem/o (demographic, epidemic)
people, population ["-cracy" means "rule by," so what does "democracy" mean?]
cycl (as in bicycle, cyclone, cycle)
circle, ring [what does "tricycle" mean?]
crypto (as in cryptic, encrypt)
hidden, secret [what does "cryptography" mean?]
col (as in colloborate, collusion, collection)
together or jointly [what does it mean to "collide"?]
co (as in coeducation, co-author, co-captain)
 (with, together [what might "cohousing" be?]
chron (as in chronological, chronic)
time [what does it mean to be "synchronized"?]
cert (as in certification, certain, certify)
 sure [what could it mean to "ascertain" something?]
caust, caut (as in cauterize, caustic)
 to burn ["holo-" means "whole, everything," so what would be the literal meaning of the word "holocaust?"] 
cata- (as in cataclysm, catastrophe)
down / against / back [why do you think "cataract" is another name for a waterfall?]
cardi- (as in cardiologist, cardiac)
heart [what kind of exercise is "cardio"?]
bio (as in biology, biosphere, biodiversity)
life or living matter [what kind of book is a "biography?"]
bene (as in benefit, beneficial, benefactor, benevolent)
good/well ["benevolent" means "wishing good things for others." The prefix mal- is the opposite of bene-. What do you think "malevolent" means?]
art (as in artifact, artisan, artist)
skill [something that is "artificial" isn't something occurring naturally, it's produced using human skill. What does it mean to be "artistic"?]
astro,aster (as in astronaut, astronomer, asteroid)
 star, outer space [why do you think we call this symbol * an "asterisk"?]
arch (pronounced "ark) (as in archaeology, archaic)
primitve or ancient [what kind of documents do we keep in an "archive"?]
aqua (as in aquarium, aqueduct, aquatic)
water [An astronaut explores outer space; an aeronaut explores the skies in a balloon or airship. What do you think an "aquanaut" is?]
ann / enn (as in anniversary, annual, millennium)
year [how often does a biannual event happen? TRICK QUESTION!
anim (as in animated, animal, unanimous, inanimate)
spirit [something alive is "animate," something not alive is an "inanimate" object. Why do you think we call cartoons "animation"?]
ambi (as in ambient, ambidexterous, ambivalent)
on both sides, or around (An extrovert is outgoing and an introvert is more shy. What do you think an "ambivert" is?]
agri/a (as in agriculture, agribusiness, agrarian)
farming  [an "ecotourist" is someone who travels responsibly to endangered natural environments. Where do you think an "agritourist" might visit?]
act (as in activity, action, interaction)
 do [what does it mean to "react" to something?]
acro (as in acrobat, acrophobia)
height (the Acropolis is an ancient Greek city HIGH up on a hill)