
A Nation of Immigrants

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  • Which countries in Eastern Europe were considered the "new immigrants"?
    Hungary, Italy, Poland - and also Russia
  • Why did many immigrants come from China, and what did the Chinese people do in America?
    The Chinese people were experiencing drought and starvation; they found jobs helping build the railroad across America
  • How many immigrants came to the U.S between 1882 and 1914?
    About 20 million
  • Define "immigrant".
    A person who comes to live in another country.
  • What drastically changed the American ethnic and religious cultures?
    many immigrants from eastern and southern Europe
  • Explain why many immigrants came to America from Ireland.
    The Irish Potato Famine caused nearly 20% for Ireland's population to move because of food shortage.
  • List 5 reasons people have moved to America over the past 400 years.
    war, freedom to practice religion,escape from poverty, opportunity to work or own land
  • How did immigrants help change America during the Industrial Revolution?
    New technology and factories needed workers and immigrants filled the labor demands.